

Mathias Chelebourg is a French writer and director working on film projects (feature and short films), audiovisual fiction, advertising and technology. Attracted by the technological challenges and opportunities offered by emerging media, he likes to work in close cooperation with technicians from various disciplines (audiovisual engineering, graphic development, video games, interactive scenography). For several years, he has been passionate about 360° experiences, augmented reality and interactivity with the aim of exploiting their full narrative potential.

Mixing virtual reality, theater, production methods from cinema and video games, Alice, The Virtual Reality Play which he is the author with Marie Jourdren, questions the status of spectator. Placed in the center of the scene, each of his choices, each of his actions, impacts the unfolding of the story and influences the visual universe.

The DVgroup studio has joined forces with several leading companies in their sector (Dynamixys, BPI, iKinema) to create this narrative work, representative of what virtual reality entertainment will be like in the near future.